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Burnout Missing

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Shadowkiller - 2006-12-14 20:31:23

Last Day of Work:

I wonder, if BO disappeared again for an extended period of time, would we even notice? Now here is the real question, where did BO and Shade go? Is this the beginning of a new Story Arch? Is the Great Hunt in my backpack? Tune in Tomorrow to find out... WHERE IS BURNOUT!!!

So Monday was officially my last day with my old company. Thats right, I have a new job!!!! I start it on Monday the 18th, its gonna be exciting. In any case, I went into the office and sat around for Monday Morning. It ruled. I turned in my expense report for $3500(remember this is money I have spent and thus they owe it back to me) as well as turned in my vacation timecard. I managed to sneak 8 days of vacation + a sick day into my schedule and therefore get paid through the end of the month while leaving the 11th. I finished off by grabbing a bunch of office supplies including the stapler! and then cruising out the door around noon. I'll tell you more about this week tomorrow. Later!

Sha'mad Conde

Sha'mad Conde - 2006-12-16 00:10:45

Mensch! Again Mensch:

(ya gotta read yesterdays comic rants and some of the stuff in the shoutbox for any of the following to make sense)

I didn't even think of other languages. I am not exactly fluent in German, but I can read it at will, and understand it for the most part. Yiddish? Nope. I know nothing of it.

I still like the SCA definition, though. Male wenching is the way to go, yo.
