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Mistborn Approved

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Shadowkiller - 2008-02-26 07:28:15

We interrupt this story...: bring you a word from those I sponsor. Mistborn and Brandon Sanderson are officially SK Approved as of this moment. I just finished Mistborn last night and I've gotta say that it was indeed a breath of fresh air. It was a unique storyline. It had plot. The characters were fleshed out quite well. It kept me on the edge of my seat for probably the last 300 pages. I haven't been this turned on by a book series since the first time I read the Harry Potter series and before that was Wheel of Time itself.

In case you didn't know, Harriet, RJ's widowed wife, chose Brandon Sanderson to complete the Wheel of Time series. Tor is giving away free e-books and Mistborn was the first of the lot. We have a link on the forums to go grab Mistborn for yourself totally free of charge. I read it to find out what Harriet saw in him and to decide if I had confidence in his abilities. Having read Mistborn, I give Brandon Sanderson my go ahead. I think if any man can do it, he surely can.

We'll soon return to our previous scheduled comics.