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Its All About The Punchlines

My Daily Comics:

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Shadowkiller - 2005-05-19 22:57:34


Saw Star Wars 3, enjoyed it. I dont why people cant just enjoy movies. Why criticise. Whats the point? Later.


witsd - 2005-05-21 19:20:23


*Likes the little Myrdraal and Trolloc in the background*
I still haven`t seen Star Wars. But I will.
Maybe tomorrow, but then I must watch the Monaco Grand Prix.

Got to get the priorities right, no?


Shadowkiller - 2005-05-22 22:51:43

Its like that:

Yeah, its like that. I had quite a full day yesterday so I didnt get the chance to make the comic. Since Im flying to Alabama again, Ill do the comic sometime during the trip down there and get it posted later today. See ya then.